Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Welcome to our website!

Thanks for visiting our website! While we already have a photo site (, this one will allow us to keep our friends and family informed on all the goings-on in our busy lives!

So far we've had a great summer! The boys spent a long weekend with our parents in WV and I got to fly to Biloxi to spend a MUCH needed long weekend with Jamie! He's been gone for 6 weeks now and we're all ready to have him home! He finished his last test today and will be leaving tomorrow after graduation! He has a LONG 15+ hour drive back, but once he's home, he'll be home for a while!

The boys have had a lot of fun playing with their friends and going to summer camp. I think our house has revolving doors, it seems like someone is always coming or going, but I love having them close by!

The biggest news this summer is that Jamie graduated from college! He received his Bachelors degree in Management & Human Resources cum laude from Park University!!! He's worked very hard for a very long time to get this degree, and I'm so excited for him! We're going to have a party later this summer to celebrate, he deserves it! We got his diploma in the mail last week and the first thing I did was take a picture of it and send it to him, he hasn't seen in it person yet! We'll get it framed and hung with his 2 Associates degrees as soon as we can, we have quite a wall of honor for him, don't we?!

Of course, now that he's done with college it's my turn to go back! I'm scheduled to start this fall, taking Chemistry, Human Growth & Development and Nutrition. I have about 3 quarters of classes to take and I will be starting my clinicals next fall. I'm excited, but scared to death! I've been home since I got pregnant with Kate and it's going to be really hard to leave her. She will be starting preschool 3 afternoons a week this fall, though, and her excitement about that makes it a lot easier.

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